It is about time right?!?! Oh gosh. Yeah it has been a very long time since I last posted. Okay time to play catch up... I got a job and I have worked... a lot. Yup that is about it hahaha. Sad.
I have decided to do a "Favorites" post because it is my blog and I can post what I want to. Yeah.
Social Media crud
-"Roar" by Katy Perry :I am obsessed....
-"Royals" by Lorde : Love it and pretty much any cover anyone has ever done of it.
-"She is love" by Parachute. The band is just fantastic
-The trailer for Frozen... oh my gosh the girl is me. "I'm awkward, you are gorgeous, wait what?" I want to see this movie so stinking bad
-Teen Beach Movie. Yes, I know that it is like this younger generations version of High School Musical but still it was really funny and the Music and the guys and just ugh. I love the stereotypical 60's. Oh and boys that can dance, in white shirts, dark jeans, leather jackets, and converse. It really just doesn't get better than that. Oh and I watched it today but it came out in September and I just really wanted to talk about it.
-"Major Dad" : It is like an old show that I found on Hulu and it is just darling and funny
-Shaytards and CTFxC : Both Youtube vloggers just make me happy. It is totally an obsession.
-"Twitterpated" and its sequel "Smart Move": Mormon romance novels that are clean and just great
- "Blackmoore" : Julianne Donaldson is a brilliant writer. It is her second book and it doesn't need the first to have it make sense. This one and "Edenbrooke" are both truly "The Proper Romance" books. My absolute favorites.
Random !
-Crasins : CRAZY RASINS they are my favorite. And apparently they aren't a word. Crazy red squiggly thing
-I am adoring my art supplies. I have a lot of them and I am pretty sure that I am addicted to buying them.
-I love my job! It is super fun and my coworkers are great! One is super cute but he is leaving... that's okay though I guess... it is whatever :)
-I love getting letters. I was recently told in an email that I am "DA BOMB" yeah.... he is a weirdo.
-Cooper. Hayden's little brother and I are apparently "best friends". He is seriously the cutest thing ever.
All in all September was a great month. I am super excited for October though!