Wednesday, November 20, 2013

I'd say I was busy but then I would be totally lying...

So.... This is awkward... 
Hi, My name is Bailey and I am, among a slew of other things,
 a slacker. 
But it isn't really my fault!
 I have started working... 
and watching Merlin... 
Okay fine it totally is my fault. 
Here I am! Yay! 

It has been a good month since I last posted and for that I apologize...
 I have a couple of things for y'all.
 (and by Y'all I mean my few amigos that actually read this! This is for you! Yay!)

So here is what has been going on... 
I have worked... all the time... seriously I have like legit muscles... 
I would post a picture but you will laugh because you don't know what it looked like before so it just looks pathetic. But it isn't! it is schweet!

I got this picture which totally made my life. 
In October I also started an art challenge... and guess what?!?! I got lazy around day 10... but days 1-10 are pretty darn cool! Here is a sneak peek. I think that I am going to make a whole post about it, so yeah.
My hair totally is that long haha. 

Other new stuff... 
I got yoga pants, and I no longer wear jeans unless it is necessary. 
If you haven't tried wearing yoga pants I suggest that you do... because it is $14 of heavenly nothingness hahahaha weird verbiage but you get the point. 

I was an antisocial butterfly for Halloween. Black skinny jeans and all. 
Oh and I also had black antennae that I hadn't put on yet... 
Props go out to all of those who actually wear their makeup/hair like
 this on a daily basis because not only is it hard to do, it is hard to undo!
 For goodness's sake I have difficulty taking off my everyday eye makeup... 
Black lipstick is SO fun. And there is truthfully no sarcasm in that. 
Oh an my shirt glows in the dark. Woot woot. 

I sent a picture to Hayden and he said 
"I love that picture, but it makes me uncomfortable... because, it is not you, haha. The dark style isn't something that I can see you in. But, you really pulled it off. You make it look good, haha;)" 
Job done hahaha

* Random Side note... I am currently listening to Pandora and i was wondering if  I am the only one who sits there and listens to a song and then realizes halfway through that I don't want to listen to it but I don't want to waste my skip on a song that is halfway done... yeah. end side note *

I have two posts ready for you so be prepared:) Actually it is more like be warned... :D

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