Friday, November 22, 2013


 Do you remember how back in elementary school we would always talk about choices and how
 "The minute you wake up you make choices!"
 and then you would think and be all 
"Yeah I guess I had to choose what to wear or what to eat"
 and that would literally be like the hardest decision of your life thus far.
 Yeah... Those were the good old days. 
I literally am just barely choosing to stop listening to one of my favorite songs 
and listen to piano and rain because my brain is getting wayyyyy too distracted. 

"The call" from Regina Spektor,
 Scenes from Prince Caspian come in flashes,
then I remember my childhood, 
and reading the books, 
and then all of my childhood book memories come flooding back... 
bah my brain. 

Anywho, Choices. 
Okay so recently I have been abandoned by pretty much all of my friends. 
Seriously, by the time February rolls around EVERYONE will be gone...
 And you think that I am joking too... 
I seriously am the youngest adult in my ward right now.
My social life consists of work 
(Andrew will be leaving in Feb, so there goes that) 
and church, 
where I chill with 9 and 10 year olds
 (the coolest 9 and 10 year olds EVER BTW)
Bam Pow.

 BUT that was 100% my CHOICE.
 I chose to not go to college yet. 
I chose to work for the better part of my day.
 And I chose to accept the calling to be the Valiant 9 teacher instead of going to Singles Ward.
I am also choosing to go on a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
 This has in NO WAY been an easy choice.
 Truthfully I don't think that I have ever been so lost blessed  lost blessed. 

How cool is it that I, 
a weird and socially weirder 18 year old girl, 
get to choose to serve people I have never met before? 

In the Mormon church, we believe in Agency.
Agency is described as
 "the ability and privilege God gives us to choose and to act for ourselves". 
No one makes us do anything. 
We choose to act a certain way so that we have a chance to get the good consequences. 
No one likes the bad ones, which is totally a topic for another time. 

Okay so back to the blessed part, 
here as you were reading your brain probably played that sound that a phonograph plays when it stops...
  like this one... 
or not, whateves.

I get to choose whether I want to go on a mission(Girls get a choice) or go to school. 
No one is pressuring me...
 This wasn't always the case of course,
 like 3 weeks ago the realization that I was truly scared that if I didn't go on a mission I would be disappointing a lot of people. 
This was not a fun realization to have because I am all about CHOICES and I didn't want the pressure from other people... 
so I sent this to Hayden, who is on his mission right now:)
'Oh so I have been thinking, What if I were to choose to not go on a mission?
 and I know that your heart probably just dropped and you are all worried about me but would you be upset with me if I didn't go on one?
 I am totally going on one but it was just a thought that I realized the other day. 
I was thinking “What if I didn't go on a mission though” 
and instantly I thought, “Hayden would be so upset” but I would hope that you wouldn't be… 
cause it is obviously my choice.
 and my decisions should not be based off of the fear of you judging me… 
not that you would of course.. 
oh dear.' 
I feel like we all have that fear about anything in life though,
 which technically is good because that means that we are actually thinking about how our actions are impacting others
 but still... 
I felt/feel that I should be the only one making this decision based on what I am feeling through the spirit. Right? Right. 
So this is what got to me. 
"Truly, if you decided not to go on a mission, I would have a mix of emotions... But I wouldn't look down on the decision at all.
   1. Disapointment, but only because there are things you will learn out here that you wouldn't learn at home, and the lives of those that you would touch that you won't come into contact with at home.
   2. Excitement, because you would get started with your life, go to school, get a job, do all sorts of cool things that you will do.
   3. Nervous, because during that time, if you stay close to the spirit, you may find somebody that you want to spend the rest of your life with.
   4. Happiness, because nomatter what decisions you make, no-matter what you do, I know you will have done it with much prayer and fasting, and I will know that it is the best for you.

There are lots of choice to make. Going on a mission definitely is not a bad one. But, pèrhaps it isn't the best one. It all depends on your situation, and the opportunities to share your light that you will have at that point in your life."
1) holy cow I cried. My mom cried, we all cried haha
2) when did he become all smart and stuff
3) if you don't have a positive influence when it comes to choices 
 Use this BY ALL MEANS. 
4) look how cute!
 there is a little shwaa thing on "perhaps" and he spelled disappointment wrong! 
He is turning into a foreign missionary!

So here is the deal.
 You make choices. 
We all make choices.
 Base those choices off of what good they can do for other people.

Choose to be happy and Choose the Right. 
Yeah... these were my thoughts... Stay tuned :)

Hahaha I just had an idea of making a Button that links to that looks like a spindle of a spinning wheel with the caption that says
 "Touch it, Touch it I say"
oh my gosh.
 Someone please teach me how to do that.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

I'd say I was busy but then I would be totally lying...

So.... This is awkward... 
Hi, My name is Bailey and I am, among a slew of other things,
 a slacker. 
But it isn't really my fault!
 I have started working... 
and watching Merlin... 
Okay fine it totally is my fault. 
Here I am! Yay! 

It has been a good month since I last posted and for that I apologize...
 I have a couple of things for y'all.
 (and by Y'all I mean my few amigos that actually read this! This is for you! Yay!)

So here is what has been going on... 
I have worked... all the time... seriously I have like legit muscles... 
I would post a picture but you will laugh because you don't know what it looked like before so it just looks pathetic. But it isn't! it is schweet!

I got this picture which totally made my life. 
In October I also started an art challenge... and guess what?!?! I got lazy around day 10... but days 1-10 are pretty darn cool! Here is a sneak peek. I think that I am going to make a whole post about it, so yeah.
My hair totally is that long haha. 

Other new stuff... 
I got yoga pants, and I no longer wear jeans unless it is necessary. 
If you haven't tried wearing yoga pants I suggest that you do... because it is $14 of heavenly nothingness hahahaha weird verbiage but you get the point. 

I was an antisocial butterfly for Halloween. Black skinny jeans and all. 
Oh and I also had black antennae that I hadn't put on yet... 
Props go out to all of those who actually wear their makeup/hair like
 this on a daily basis because not only is it hard to do, it is hard to undo!
 For goodness's sake I have difficulty taking off my everyday eye makeup... 
Black lipstick is SO fun. And there is truthfully no sarcasm in that. 
Oh an my shirt glows in the dark. Woot woot. 

I sent a picture to Hayden and he said 
"I love that picture, but it makes me uncomfortable... because, it is not you, haha. The dark style isn't something that I can see you in. But, you really pulled it off. You make it look good, haha;)" 
Job done hahaha

* Random Side note... I am currently listening to Pandora and i was wondering if  I am the only one who sits there and listens to a song and then realizes halfway through that I don't want to listen to it but I don't want to waste my skip on a song that is halfway done... yeah. end side note *

I have two posts ready for you so be prepared:) Actually it is more like be warned... :D

Saturday, October 5, 2013

When September ends!!!!!

It is about time right?!?! Oh gosh. Yeah it has been a very long time since I last posted. Okay time to play catch up... I got a job and I have worked... a lot. Yup that is about it hahaha. Sad.
I have decided to do a "Favorites" post because it is my blog and I can post what I want to. Yeah.
Social Media crud
-"Roar" by Katy Perry :I am obsessed....
-"Royals" by Lorde : Love it and pretty much any cover anyone has ever done of it.
-"She is love" by Parachute. The band is just fantastic
-The trailer for Frozen... oh my gosh the girl is me. "I'm awkward, you are gorgeous, wait what?" I want to see this movie so stinking bad
-Teen Beach Movie. Yes, I know that it is like this younger generations version of High School Musical but still it was really funny and the Music and the guys and just ugh. I love the stereotypical 60's. Oh and boys that can dance, in white shirts, dark jeans, leather jackets, and converse. It really just doesn't get better than that. Oh and I watched it today but it came out in September and I just really wanted to talk about it.
-"Major Dad" : It is like an old show that I found on Hulu and it is just darling and funny
-Shaytards and CTFxC : Both Youtube vloggers just make me happy. It is totally an obsession.
-"Twitterpated" and its sequel "Smart Move": Mormon romance novels that are clean and just great
- "Blackmoore" : Julianne Donaldson is a brilliant writer. It is her second book and it doesn't need the first to have it make sense. This one and "Edenbrooke" are both truly "The Proper Romance" books. My absolute favorites.

Random !
-Crasins : CRAZY RASINS they are my favorite. And apparently they aren't a word. Crazy red squiggly thing
-I am adoring my art supplies. I have a lot of them and I am pretty sure that I am addicted to buying them.
-I love my job! It is super fun and my coworkers are great! One is super cute but he is leaving... that's okay though I guess... it is whatever :)
-I love getting letters. I was recently told in an email that I am "DA BOMB" yeah.... he is a weirdo.
-Cooper. Hayden's little brother and I are apparently "best friends". He is seriously the cutest thing ever.
All in all September was a great month. I am super excited for October though!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Being ABOVE the infulence.

Okay, lets just start off with the disclaimer that this post has absolutely nothing to do with drugs.
I mostly wanted to focus on influences, which of course my crazy mind immediately went to being "above the influence"
 (crazy mind explanation in last post).
As I have sat on my bed watching the past 7 seasons of Scrubs the past two weeks or so, I have found my mind telling me:
"Dang Bailey, you should be a Doctor! How cool would that be? how many lives do you think you could save? How many people would die? Would you be able to handle the stress of all of it? Lets Find out!"
 And it proceeded to make me incredibly stressed out.
INFULENCE you guys, it is a crazy thing.
So, I have decided to make a list of things that influence me and how they do
maybe I am not the only crazy one in the world.
 Let us join together Crazies of the World.
 Ha-ha what if I actually created a group called "Crazies of the World" Would y'all join it?
 (as I type I am slowly beginning  realize that my insanity is becoming more and more apparent to the world... yehaw.)
Things that have Influence on Me
TV Shows and Books
Making me want to be a lawyer (Drop Dead Diva), Wizard (Harry Potter), companion to a time lord called 'the Doctor' (duh) and of course a Ranger (Rangers Apprentice). And when I remember that none of these things are logical... to a certain extent... I get all sorts of depressed... good times.
My peers
I generally don't listen to the things my peers say about me, or care but there is one thing that does influence me, the way they talk.
 I'm not saying curse words or anything like that of course, I just have picked up the habit of some really annoying valley girl sayings while attempting to use them ironically.
 Some words include, but are not limited to
"Totes","Awk",  "Adorbs", "hashtag insert random obvious exclamation here", "whateves" and of course the crowning glory, "Cray-Cray".
Just typing these words makes me cringe.
It does my heart good though, to see all of those words being underlined by the red squiggly line thing. Does that line thing have a name? I could have sworn that it does...
I know. It still isn't an app existing on my iPod but it definitely feeds some unhealthy obsessions. I am way to young and technically single to be getting stressed out about what types of flowers my bouquet should be.
 Oh and I already have enough clothes, I shouldn't feel the need to get rid of all of them and go and live in Pinterest.
I love YouTube. Seriously, one of these days I will share a list of all of my favorite YouTubers but I am also a bit OCD so it still needs some perfecting.
Because of YouTube I have attempted several vlog-esque videos and I also have quite the makeup collection. Also you guys make me want to make videos and I am constantly thinking "Dude I should totally blog about this" It is sad really...
My Parents
This one is a positive thing... kind of. I am mostly referring to my new diet on this one. I eat so much junk food it is insane. So instead of just getting rid of sugar all together I have decided that I will not buy it. I can have dessert if it is offered to me but if I am at the store and I want a Twix, it is a no go.
 My dad hates me. Not really but fo' realsies, the past month that this has been going on he has brought home a Mountain Dew for me any time he goes out and our house has never had more cookie dough and ice cream in it... ever.
 Seriously, you would think that with a house full of Hypoglycemics and a kid that is allergic to corn (which is in EVERYTHING BTDubbs *another annoying word courtesy of my high school choir teacher) we would just stop buying it. This is what I opened my door to tonight
Yeah. haha I love him.
Oh and did you know that you should never eat candy corn on top of an already nauseous stomach...
Yeah apparently, it doesn't help.  Weird Right?
I actually attempted to convince one of my best friends that girls don't dress up for guys, ha. Whether we like it or not girls have a tendency to act differently around guys. 
Having the difference be acting more lady like, to being humble about one of your greatest life achievements, to being super competitive so that he will want to play ball with you it is just how it works.
 Before Hayden left on his mission he said "Dude, when you get back from your mission you should be like a runner, the kind that does it for fun. That would be cool."
That would be cool? ICK I HATE exercise.
 Like I am practically allergic to it. I get all sweaty and red and stuff, it gets bad. Anyway look what I got for my birthday present...
You know because I exercise so often.
 For heavens sake I didn't even know how to spell the dang word!
"Miss Alexander, your word is Exercise"
"Exercise. E-X-E-R-S-I-Z-E. Exercise.
"I'm sorry that is incorrect."
You know what little red squiggly line thing, You don't even have a legit name! At least not one that Phineas and Ferb made up a song about, like the hard plastic thing at the end of shoelaces!
Actually, I love these shoes and I love boys so it's whateves.Whatever.
If you didn't know already I am a Mormon.
That being said there is a lot of temptation out there in the world that we all have to overcome.
 A good friend gave a talk a while back and he said that you can't aim for the bar, if you do you will smack right into it, you have to aim above it and your faults will smack into it.
 I have fantastic friends, even though a lot of them aren't members they still have high standards and they don't pull me into the world.
I also have fantastic leaders, who love me and support me
in everything that I do.
One woman in particular has gotten me to break a life long habit of mine with the help of a nasty tasting nail polish. My nails have legitly never been longer.
But that is what some influence is for.
They help your weaknesses become strengths. and in turn you can help others.
"And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."
 Ether 12: 27
Good stuff. If only there was a nasty tasting polish for Procrastination. That would seriously be so cool.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

25 Things about Me... or not

 I was going to post this/ type it up tomorrow but when I thought about it I realized that it probably would not have happened, like at all. So much to do, so little... Motivation.
Anyways, here we go!
25 facts about me!
Wait. my Ipod is downstairs... so I can't take a cuter picture of my intro page thing... shoot.
Whelp, I guess y'all are going to still have to wait for that. I am sitting here trying to think of a rant and I can't. and that rhymed. Heh.
OH! I can tell you one fact about me! Ready?
Okay, I think REALLY REALLY fast. I know that if you know me you are probably laughing to yourself saying, "Bailey... you laugh at jokes like 5 minutes after the punch line is told"
A) shut up... and B) That isn't the fast that I am talking about.
Imagine saying something totally relevant to the topic of conversation. Okay now wait five minutes and Imagine saying something random. Now, over the five minutes you waited you thought of something else to think about, wading through multiple possibilities that somehow connect to each other.
That is exactly what happens in my head in about 3 seconds.
EX :You are talking about pizza, I comment on my favorite type of pizza and three seconds later I comment on how small wiener dogs are.
I can tell you EXACTLY  how.
Pizza>Peperoni pizza>what is that even made out of?> Hot dogs>dogs dressed in hotdog costumes> Weiner dogs>Pretty much the low riders of dogs 
Yep, that is how it goes.
 Normally, in general conversation the path is longer. My closest friends have learned either to ask how I got it or even what my "mind path" was to get there... Or just ignore me. Normally the latter.
It probably would have been a better idea to type this in the morning. Now you know a fact you probably didn't want to know. You are very welcome.
Here is a picture of one of those dogs just for you.
So Cute.
So tired.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Obsessions.... Or Addictions

So I have been wanting to post but every time I get around to it I get distracted. And it is the distracted that lasts hours.
So here are a bunch of random things I have been wanting to show you.
 The Fairy Statuette I told you about... seriously it was just sitting in my closet wrapped in sweaters...
 This adorable card that I got from one of my preschool kiddos. I had the realization that they are now in kindergarten yesterday. It made me stop in the middle of the road while I was walking into Target...
 Look how blonde I was!!! This is my 3rd grade self.
 I was going to post something about how wonderful nature is and especially the sky and its largeness... yeah.
And a 25 fact thing, that I was going to post weeks ago amidst my project downsize chaos... did it happen?  Technically I wrote them all down but I never got to typing them.
Would you like to know what has stopped me? Not Pinterest, or Facebook, or YouTube or any other normal geek distraction.
Oh no.
 Blogs. I have become practically addicted to blogs.
 But not normal blogs.
Missionary blogs.
 Yup, I admit that I find them on Pinterest, but as soon as I do BAM I have to start from the beginning with their mission call or even before that. It has gotten to the point that I know their P-Day's and get excited because I know there is a new post.
Here are my favorites but BEWARE. I am telling you, I was normal ...once. -The start of it all. BEST stories ever! - Just found this one. Lots of smart teaching ideas and lots of pictures! - My best friend. Nuff said haha.
It is crazy. I just sit and scroll up (not down because blogs are posted with the newest one at the top :P) and then laugh or cry or run downstairs telling my mom a story that I just read. And the problem with it is that I am here reading about these missionaries encouraging others to read their scriptures or write in their journals and what am I doing?
 Reading about them encouraging me to write in my journal and read my scriptures and thinking
 "Yes, I will definitely do that" *keeps scrolling*
My goodness.
My name is Bailey, and I am a Mission Blog addict.
In all honesty, These blogs are actually really comforting.
 You can see the trials that they face and yet you can see that they overcome them like it was a piece of cake. I am so excited to serve a mission, so that I can help bring others to the truthfulness of this Gospel. One of my leaders has a daughter out and she was told that 99% of your mission is super hard, but that 1% makes it sooo worth it. How cool is it that we can serve and teach and learn at only 19? Super cool.
Click the link... You know you want to!
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Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Last night my I-pod refused to take a picture, insisting that my storage was full. On this 8GB piece of technology, I have 178 songs, and 301 pictures. Most of the pictures had already been transferred to my computer so I deleted 127 of them and almost all of my non-current emails and still, "Storage full". So of course I go to my settings to find out what was taking up all of the room... it was Pinterest.
 That lovely app of joy and cuteness was making it so that I couldn't take a picture of my friend pretending to sleep so that she could see what she looks like when she sleeps by using 1.6GB of storage! That is insane. What is also insane that in the moment I deleted the app. Yup, I will most likely regret it but for now I just remember the ever looming 11,000+ "likes" that need to be pinned and try not to panic. What is that? You think that I'm addicted to Pinterest? No way! Me too!
Getting rid of that reminded me that not only are we moving into a significantly smaller house really soon but I am leaving in a year and I should probably get rid of some real stuff, along with my dream wedding and closets.
I still have notebooks from kindergarten for goodness's sake! Notice the plural "notebookS" yeah I have five of them and it isn't just kindergarten! its EVERY single grade.
A while back I had the thought of taking pictures of certain mementos and memories to keep rather than keeping the ugly fairy statuette itself. That way I can have a memory book rather than 5 memory boxes that fill up my closet.
I can post pictures of fun stuff I find and maybe of my different handwriting because believe me when I say that it is different... way different.
It shall be called Project Downsize.
Did I mention that I hate cleaning and I am like a world class procrastinator. Hmmm we shall see how motivated I become.
I have decided to post whenever I have a post in mind. "But Bailey it is called 'everyday BA' not 'when I wanna be a BA'!" Yeah but you don't want to be reading "So today I watched a movie... it was cool". Food for thought.
Oh and for all of you who panicked at the thought of deleting your Pinterest, don't worry it is still the most visited site other than Facebook on my computer. Now I have to work (login and type stuff) for it rather than just pressing the logo.
PS We finally got around to taking the picture... this morning.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


 The summer after graduation is... Busy. Considering I have technically written this so called "first post" 3 times already and never really got around to publishing any of the drafts. So instead of publishing the now null and pointless posts I have decided to write a new one, #4 if you wish, in which I will finally introduce myself and my loverly, yet hectic life.
In reality, My life is actually uber calm but my need to procrastinate is a source of excitement so I let it continue. My mind definitely has a mind of its own.
My name is Bailey. I just turned 18, graduated from High School and I am probably the only one out of my entire posse that isn't currently back to school shopping. Instead, I am going to be working( The job to be found hopefully soon) and I am just barely starting to drive on real streets rather than just in the church parking lot. Yeah. This time next year I should be heading off to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Today my best friend is flying to Spain to serve his two year mission and I am pretty much a mess. But that is OKAY!
Although I have never had braces, through the things I have heard about them, sending your missionary out is an awful lot like getting braces. You get them on with full knowledge that the end result will be 100% better/cooler/awesomer ( <- totally just made that word up.) but the pain is way worse than you imagined. The only difference is that when you go in for a tightening, it hurts more and when you get a letter, you feel like all is well in the world.
But that is how life works. We know the end result but it is still hard along the way.
"Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest"- Joshua 1:9
Couldn't have said it better Myself.