Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Last night my I-pod refused to take a picture, insisting that my storage was full. On this 8GB piece of technology, I have 178 songs, and 301 pictures. Most of the pictures had already been transferred to my computer so I deleted 127 of them and almost all of my non-current emails and still, "Storage full". So of course I go to my settings to find out what was taking up all of the room... it was Pinterest.
 That lovely app of joy and cuteness was making it so that I couldn't take a picture of my friend pretending to sleep so that she could see what she looks like when she sleeps by using 1.6GB of storage! That is insane. What is also insane that in the moment I deleted the app. Yup, I will most likely regret it but for now I just remember the ever looming 11,000+ "likes" that need to be pinned and try not to panic. What is that? You think that I'm addicted to Pinterest? No way! Me too!
Getting rid of that reminded me that not only are we moving into a significantly smaller house really soon but I am leaving in a year and I should probably get rid of some real stuff, along with my dream wedding and closets.
I still have notebooks from kindergarten for goodness's sake! Notice the plural "notebookS" yeah I have five of them and it isn't just kindergarten! its EVERY single grade.
A while back I had the thought of taking pictures of certain mementos and memories to keep rather than keeping the ugly fairy statuette itself. That way I can have a memory book rather than 5 memory boxes that fill up my closet.
I can post pictures of fun stuff I find and maybe of my different handwriting because believe me when I say that it is different... way different.
It shall be called Project Downsize.
Did I mention that I hate cleaning and I am like a world class procrastinator. Hmmm we shall see how motivated I become.
I have decided to post whenever I have a post in mind. "But Bailey it is called 'everyday BA' not 'when I wanna be a BA'!" Yeah but you don't want to be reading "So today I watched a movie... it was cool". Food for thought.
Oh and for all of you who panicked at the thought of deleting your Pinterest, don't worry it is still the most visited site other than Facebook on my computer. Now I have to work (login and type stuff) for it rather than just pressing the logo.
PS We finally got around to taking the picture... this morning.

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