Tuesday, January 14, 2014

What is this Feeling?

Is Hyperventilation a word? 
Why yes,
 yes it is,
 according to the lack of a red squiggle it is. 
That is this feeling.

 It is midnight... 
and I am awake... thinking... a lot more than I should be.
"What are you thinking about Bailey?"
my dear friends is a dangerous question, 
but I will answer it anyways.

-Why does Sherlock have to be so good and so short?
-I will be on my mission when Season 4 comes out... and Season 5
-When will Bishop email me that link?
-Why is Corben sleep talking?
-I wonder if I will need leggings and tights on my mission. 
-I cant believe I can turn my papers in on March 15th
-I wonder where I will be going.
-How many sister missionaries are there in the world?
-Will I need any new skirts?
-Should I get up and look at my skirts?
-Why am I so lazy?
-I can not be this lazy on my mission.
*Looks up "Sister missionary" on Pinterest*
-Oh my gosh what if while i'm on my mission they erase my pinterest!?!
*Start Hyperventilation* 
-Ohh a new blog! 
-Holy cow I feel so unprepared.
-Can Missionaries bring I-pods?
-Can we wear hats?
-I should buy a bunch of scarves and tights that coordinate.
-Do they even sell warm tights in AZ?
-I need shoes... like good ones... shoot.
-Holy cow good shoes are expensive
-I need to go to Ross
-Is Marshalls the equivalent of ross?
-Do I work in the Morning?
-Breathe Bailey.
-I should read my scriptures

I am going to do that. 

I will be posting a bunch of Missionary related stuff in the future... 
and changing my Blog name 
*Sniff Sniff*
 Because, it probably isn't appropriate for a missionary blog.

 Yeah... ima go use the sleep now. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Stereotypical New Years Post.

To be fair, this was the first year that I think that I have ever actually sat down and thought about my resolutions. 
Like ever.
 Sad right?

 I mean sure I have wanted to eat healthier or keep my room clean better, 
but let's be honest with ourselves... 
did it happen? 
Heck to the no. 

So this year I came up with like a million resolutions so that maybe if I get one down, 
I can actually be cool. 
Because everyone knows that your cool level
 (Yes it is a real thing) 
is totally determined by how many resolutions you actually resolved... 
fo'. sho'. 

So here are my 
2014 New Years Resolutions. 

1)I will blog 1x a week. 
See, this is how I journal, so it is either this or let my hand cramp up. 

2)Re-read the Book of Mormon.
 I want to finish it before my 19th birthday. 

3) Take a picture a day, 
because y'all don't want to just be reading words... 

4)Stop biting my nails.
 It is a totally subconscious thing and then they hurt and that is when I actually realize that I was biting them... 

5)Learn to take pills.
 Don't judge. it just wont work.

6)Learn to play the harmonica. 
And I have no idea how to play them...
 See the idea was that if I learn to play the piano or another instrument I cant just carry it around and practice when I am bored... 
but with a Harmonica, I totally can!

7) Learn at least 3 hymns on the piano.
 Every single missionary blog I have read says that if you are a sister missionary you had better be able to play the piano. 
I will start with one... we shall see how this goes. 

8)"Have a clean room... more often... Maybe?" 

9)Study and journal(Like actually write, it is the kicker) a new gospel topic every Sunday.
 Let me tell you, 9:00 church hurts.
 But it makes the day last forever.

10)Draw or paint a picture at least 1x a week.
 It soothes the soul.

11) Spend less money. 

I can tell you right now that I have broken 3,4,8, and 11 this week... and the rest I haven't even started. 
Sunday counts as the last day of the week right? 
So all I have to do is look up a topic, publish this, clean my room today. 
Best get started. 

oh and I found this. It made me happy. 

And yes, yes they do. You are welcome.